Rational Drug Management course in International Health
[crossposted from AFRONETS with thanks; WB]
31 March - 11 April 2003 (Heidelberg, Germany)
03 - 14 November 2003 (Basel, Switzerland)
Short Course Programme - International Health
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health - Heidelberg
Academy for Postgraduate Education at the Universities of Heidelberg
and Mannheim
Contents Overview
Drugs are an essential tool for preventive, curative and rehabilita-
tive health care. However, holistic health care has to consider drugs
just as one tool among many others and avoid the irrational overuse
of pharmaceuticals. The number and type of drugs is constantly in-
creasing, while the financial resources for health care services in
general remain limited. Therefore rational drug management has become
an increasingly important topic in order to make optimal use of the
drug budget and to offer health services of the highest possible
The course uses case studies and experience from high, middle and
low-income countries with contributions from the participants to dem-
onstrate the universal applicability of the concepts and principles.
To enable health professionals to understand and apply the concepts
and principles of essential drugs and rational drug management, to be
convinced of the need for a supportive national and international
drug policy environment and to improve knowledge and technical skills
for rational drug management.
By the end of the course, participants should be able to:
* Describe the historical evolution and the current global drug
* Apply the concept and the principles of rational drug management
* Explain the importance of an international and national drug policy
* Apply tools to develop and implement treatment guidelines, an es-
sential drug list and a personal drug list
* Describe the framework and components of a drug supply system
* Apply the relevant tools for the procurement and distribution of
essential drugs
* Explain the elements of drug costs and financing
* Describe elements of drug quality and quality assurance for ra-
tional drug management
* Describe the enabling and hindering factors and strategies for ra-
tional drug use
* Apply critical drug information management
Target Group
Health professionals and managers with a minimum 2 years experience
in the health sector and at least 1 year experience in certain as-
pects of rational drug management.
2 weeks/90 hours. Equivalent to 3 ECTS points towards the tropEd Mas-
ter in International Health.
Your mandatory registration for the course in Heidelberg should be
received by the Academy for Postgraduate Education not later than 31
January. Please register as soon as possible since the number of par-
ticipants is limited.
Course fee
The total fee for the course is
1,500 Euro; for those enrolled in the tropEd program 1,000 Euro. A
non-refundable registration fee of 100 Euro, which will be credited
towards the tuition fee, is due no later than six weeks prior to the
start of the course. If the participant withdraws from the course
less than six weeks prior to its commencement, a fee of 100 Euro will
be charged.
The tuition fee covers coursework and printed materials and a bi-
weekly pass for the Heidelberg public transportation system, but does
not include accommodation, insurance or other personal living costs
during the stay.
This course is organised jointly by the Department of Tropical Hy-
giene & Public Health (ATH�G) of the University of Heidelberg and the
Swiss Tropical Institute at Basel.
tropEd: European Network for Education in International Health
tropEd is a network of European institutions for higher education in
International Health. It provides postgraduate opportunities for edu-
cation and training contributing to sustainable development. Cur-
rently an association of more than 20 member institutions from 13
European countries, the tropEd initiative evolved from TROPMEDEUROP,
the association of the Institutes and Schools of Tropical Medicine
and International Health in Europe.
tropEd offers a flexible modular structure and the Europewide recog-
nition of a European Masters degree in International Health. Partici-
pants in the Master's Programme enroll with one of the tropEd partner
institutions, where they undertake a three-month core course. Suc-
cessful participants then select optinal modules at their home insti-
tution, or at associated tropEd institutions. Completion of the Mas-
ter's programme requires a total of 60 credit points according to the
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Participants must study at a minimum of two institutions in two dif-
ferent European countries, and complete their overall course pro-
gramme withina maximum of five years. Successful completion of all
study components leads to a Masters degree normally awarded by the
institution where the participant initially registers. The degree
will then be officially recognized by tropEd.
ECTS credits towards the European Master in International Health will
be provided for the accredited modules offered at the University of
Heidelberg / Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health.
Heidelberg University, founded more than 600 years ago, is Germany's
oldest academic institution and its Faculty of Medicine is a centre
of excellence for medical research. The Department of Tropical Hy-
giene and Public Health is part of the Faculty's Institute of Hy-
giene. Training and research activities currently feature work in the
following areas: health economics, health systems, health planning
and management; sexual and reproductive health; clinical and experi-
mental parasitology; medical anthropology and health of unstable
The Department works closely with national and international agencies
and organizations involved in development cooperation.
For many years the Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health
has been offering a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate
training programmes in international public health, including a one
year Master of Science (MSc) course in 'Community Health and Health
Management in Developing Countries'. It also offers several two weeks
intensive courses on the following topics:
Short Course Programme 2003
* Quality Management in International Health
10 - 21 March 2003
15 - 26 September 2003
* Health of Unstable Populations
24 February - 07 March 2003
29 September - 10 October 2003
* Reproductive Health Services in Resource-Poor Settings
31 March - 11 April 2003
* Rational Drug Management in International Health
31 March - 11 April 2003 (Heidelberg)
03 - 14 November 2003 (Basel)
Further Information
Registration and Organization
Academy for Postgraduate Education
at the Universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim e.V.
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 22-24
69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: +49-6221-547810
Fax: +49-6221-547819
Questions related to the scientific content of this course:
Dr. Reinhard Huss
Health Systems and Evaluation Department of Tropical Hygiene and Pub-
lic Health
Dr. Karin Wiedenmayer
Swiss Tropical Institute Basel
tropEd Coordinator
Dr. Franziska Matthies
Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health
Im Neuenheimer Feld 324
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: +49-6221-564883
Fax: +49-6221-565948
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