E-drug: DDD of Benzodiazepines
Dear E-Druggers:
We are finishing a paper on Benzodiazepines (ATC Groups: N05b and N05C2)
sales and consumption in the Canary Islands. We would like to compare
with data from 1993-1997 from other countries/locations. If you have
access to data consumption on DDD/1.000 inh/day in your local
region/country we would really appreciate it. Please, fax it (+34 22
655995) or E-Mail (esanz@ull.es) at your earliest convenience,
Thank you very much in advance,
Emilio J. Sanz, MD, PhD
Assoc. Prof. in Clinical Pharmacology
School of Medicine
University of La Laguna
38071 La Laguna. Tenerife. Spain
NEW TELEPHONE: + 34 22 319347
Fax Number: +34 22 655995
Email: esanz@ull.es
--- Note from the moderator:
The Nordic Council of Medicines issues such data on a regular basis.
Maybe one of our Norwegian or Swedish E-druggers can help?
Wilbert Bannenberg
Email: 73377.3055@compuserve.com
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.