E-DRUG: Dermatology Guidelines now available
Therapeutic Guidelines: Dermatology, version 2, is now available.
This new edition of therapeutic guidelines includes a very useful chapter describing the process of developing therapeutic guidelines.
As with all the therapeutic guidelines titles, important chapters are 'Getting to Know Your Drugs' and 'Pertinent Practical Points' but 'dermatology' necessarily covers areas that are different from the other guidelines books, eg morphology of skin lesions, differential diagnoses by body region. Emergencies, infections, chronic conditions and paediatric conditions are all included.
Therapeutic Guidelines are written for prescribers and other health professionals. They provide independent, practical, succinct and up-to-date therapeutic information.
'Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd' is an Australian not for profit organisation that has become well known internationally, particularly for the production of Antibiotic and Analgesic guidelines as well as a range of other titles. These guidelines are independent, peer reviewed and regularly updated. Sales of products sustain the continuation of the organisation and development of more guidelines.
There is no sponsorship!
All Therapeutic Guideline titles are endorsed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the National Prescribing Service, and the International Society of Drug Bulletins. This title is also endorsed by Australasian College of Dermatologists as well as the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, the Royal Australian College of Physicians, the Royal College of Nursing, Australia and the Society of Hospital pharmacists of Australia.
We cannot provide free copies, but if you are not familiar with the books, sample sections are available on our website at
Therapeutic Guidelines: Dermatology. Version 2. August 2004.
408pg ISSN 1440-6357 175mm X 120mm Price on application.
For more information contact Enid Meldrum
Therapeutic Guidelines Limited
Ground Floor, 23-47 Villiers Street
North Melbourne VIC 3051 Australia
Tel +61 3 9329 1566 Fax +61 3 9326 5632 Email: sales@tg.com.au
"Enid Meldrum" <emeldrum@tg.com.au>
Beverley Snell
Centre for International Health
Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research & Public Health
GPO Box 2284, Melbourne 3001 Australia
Telephone 613 9282 2115 / 9282 2275
Fax 61 3 9282 2144 or 9282 2100
Time zone: 10 hours ahead of GMT.
email <bev@burnet.edu.au>