E-DRUG: dipyrone / metamizol

In response to Arturo Marti's question:

Yes, dipyrone is available in South Africa.
It is available in combination
with hyoscine-N-butyl bromide (10 mg) and dipyrone (250 mg). The
product is called Buscopan Co and is manufactured/ marketed by
Boehringer Ingelheim.

It is one of many products which should be reviewed by our Regulatory

Leesette Turner

--- Note from the E-drug moderator:

The German Drug Regulatory Agency (BGA), the home country of
Boehringer Ingelheim, banned all combinations of
dipyrone/metamizol with spasmolytic drugs 10 years ago after clinical
studies cold not show any benefit of the dipyrone combinations over
dipyrone alone. Due to the popularity of these combinations, doctors
often did not realize these combinations contained dipyrone.
This was enough reason for Germany to ban the combnations.
Most European countries followed suit, and banned dipyrone(metamizol)
combinations as well.
The brandnames were so popular, that sometimes the company kept the
'old' combination brandname for the single product!

Wilbert Bannenberg
E-drug moderator

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