[e-drug] Drug Donations (cont)

E-drug: Drug Donations (cont)
Dear E-Drug Members,
Thank you Dr Phillip Passmore for your observation on drug donation
to one of the major Hospital in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea,National Department of Health already has a
guidelines for donation of medicines and other medical supplies to
the country. The guidelines were outlined on page 9 of medical store
catalogue, 8th edition 1996. It is unfortunate that some of the drug
donors to the country have completely refused to adhere to this
instruction.This is a concern to the Department of Health that deals
with the Pharmaceuticals throughout the country.Some of these donated
medicines to the Health facilities are expired and disposal of these
medicines become a burden to the government.

The National Department of Health always urge the respective donors
to follow the guideline on medicine donation to PNG.

Registration of medicinal products will soon commence in PNG and I
hope it will help to reduce unnecessary drug donation to the country.

Kanu Jigo
Department of Health
P.O.Box 807 Waigani
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