E-drug: Drug information centres in Africa
I am trying to update myself on the progress/establishment of drug
information centres in Africa. I have referred to the International
Register of DI Services maintained by Graeme Vernon of the Society
of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia [http://www.shpa.org.au/\] and to
some other info and e-mailed those centres listed, but would welcome
input from other INDICES / E-DRUG members on whether these or
any others are in operation today.
1. I am aware of the following which are still operating:
DATIS, Harare, Zimbabwe - estab. 1979
MIC in Cape Town, South Africa - estab. 1980
Gertrude's Garden Children's Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya - estab. 2000
Amayeza Drug Information Centre, South Africa - estab. 1999
Natal Bioproducts Institute, South Africa (specialized centre)
Maun General Hospital, Maun, Botswana - estab. 2003
2. I am trying to find out if the following are still operating: (I have
e-mailed contacts in some cases but would welcome comments):
TaDATIS in Tanzania - (one e-mail returned undeliverable; still trying
other addresses)
DI Unit, Department of Pharmaceutical Services, Asmara, Eritrea
(e-mail returned undeliverable)
National Drug Information Resource Centre, Accra, Ghana (e-mailed
& waiting)
TPS in South Africa - it 'died', was resuscitated with drug co.
sponsorship. Is it still around?
University of Stellenbosch Pharmacology and Toxicology
Consultation Centre, South Africa
University of the Orange Free State, Department of Pharmacology/
Poison Control and Medicine Information Centre, South Africa
SouthCape Medsinfo, South Africa
3. Any others not listed? Any mistakes above?
If you know about one, a contact e-mail/telephone/address or info on
when it was established, whether it is independent or funded by drug
companies (I realise that is not totally mutually exclusive) and whether
it is still operating would be useful.
Please respond to me personally (dball@hsc.kuniv.edu.kw) and I will
post the results of my search on INDICES after the information has
been compiled.
Thanks and regards,
Douglas Ball
Dept. of Pharmacy Practice
Faculty of Pharmacy, Health Sciences Center
University of Kuwait, PO Box 24923 Safat 13110
Tel: (965)531-2300 ext. 6073
Fax (work): (965)534-2807
Fax (private): (1) 775-860-0325
E-mail: dball@hsc.kuniv.edu.kw
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