E-DRUG: Drug Policy Issues in Developing Countries

To E-Druggers,

I enclose information about the next Drug Policy Issues in Developing
Countries Course which will be held next year in February.

The first course held this year in March was very successful. The course was
attended by 38 people from 32 countries including 23 Chief Pharmacists and 5
Chief drug Regulators. What was special for me about the course was how much
I learned from the participants. We organized it in such a way that half the
time was spent in small group discussions so we were able to meet and really
get to know people from Africa, Asia Latin America and from the major
international organizations. I would welcome comments from e-druggers about
the course!

The course in 1997 will again be organized in collaboration with WHO/DAP but
will also be in collaboration with the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and
Allied Health Professions. This will strengthen the formal Pharmcay=

I hope this year we get more senior policy makers such as Permanent
secretaries, deputy Secretaries etc. We also expect to have more than the
one person from Industry that we had this year. However, this course is
particularly suited for any pharmacist who is now or expects to be in a
policy making or implementing role in the future.

If you have any questions about the course do please contact me. I hope that
some e-druggers will be able to obtain the required funding to participate.


Richard Laing