E-drug: Drug Policy Issues courses
You may be aware that a Drug Policy Issues in Developing Countries course
was recently held in Yogyakarta Indonesia. For those interested, the visual
aids used in the course have been posted on the web. These are Power Point
files and may take some time to download but they may be interesting or
useful for those who could not attend the course. The URL for the course on
the Web is:
A full report of the course is being produced and will be posted on the Web
I will also be teaching an adapted version of the course with Brenda Waning
from the Massachussetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions to
Boston University students in the January to May semester. The sessions will
be held on Wednesday evenings and some will include a structured discussion.
In this activity students are asked to discuss a series of questions
relevant to the topic under discussion. If e-druggers would like to
contribute to these discussions, they would be very welcome to do so. I plan
to ask different students to volunteer to write a summary of the discussions
and post these on the web. The URL for the class is:
Richard Laing
Associate Professor of International Health
Boston University School of Public Health
715 Albany St, T4W, Boston MA 02118 USA
Tel 617 414-1444 Fax 617 638-4476
E-mail richardl@bu.edu
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