E-DRUG: essential drugs in Tokyo University

E-DRUG: essential drugs in Tokyo University

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am doing my dissertation on access to essential
drugs at the Tokyo University and I would like to
request for your help if you can recommend some
materials or documents on the following:

1. models or frameworks on the factors that
facilitate access to essential drugs; and/or

2. models or frameworks on the barriers to access to
essential drugs.

Any assistance would be highly appreciated.
Respectfully yours,

Francisco P. Flores
Tokyo University
Email: panchoflores@yahoo.com

[Any E-drugger who would like to assist Francisco with his topic? Sounds like a challenge
as Japan has the highest per capita drug expenditure in the world (>USD 400 per capita
per year), and drug consumption is high.
But Francisco is right: the essential drug concept can be applied to
any level of care, even in the academic Japanese hospitals. WB]

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Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.