E-DRUG: Evaluation reports, case studies and accounts of medicines donations
The WHO Department of Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies is
collecting evaluation reports, case studies and accounts of medicines
donations either in the case of disasters, or from long term donation
programmes, from 1999 to the present. Ideally these accounts/reports
should include descriptions and/or evaluations of all positive and
negative experiences.
Themes of interest include:
* Unsolicited donations, donations not in line with local
treatment guidelines
* Inappropriate quantities
* Appropriateness of expiry dates
* Mislabelled donations, for example language or no labelling at
all, use of brand names with reference to INN names, etc
* Quality assurance of the products through out the supply chain,
sources of supplies, etc
* Barriers in getting medicines to recipients in time, duration
and causes of delays, etc.
* Hidden costs and/or excessive costs which accompany such
donations such as the cost of drug destruction, storage, shipping, which
may or may not be covered by the donor.
* The outcome of inappropriate donations, whether they were destroyed,
or diverted to health facilities, and how the local supply systems (both
public and private) were affected.
* Adverse reactions to donated medication which clinically is
neither expected nor indicated in the product leaflet, and may be due to
product defects.
Please send citations or links to reports to emlsecretariat@who.int.
A summary report of findings will be made available to e-druggers.
Dr Suzanne Hill
Medicines, Access and Rational Use
Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies
phone 41 22 7913522
fax 41 22 791 4167