E-drug: Free TB drugs
Dear friends,
I am writing to inform you that The Stop TB Partnership is currently
accepting applications from NGOs and countries for free grants of TB drugs,
through the Global TB Drug Facility (GDF). The Technical Review Committee of
the GDF will meet in mid April 2002. Eligible countries and NGOs are invited
to submit their applications before 1st April. Please visit the GDF website
for more information at www.globaldrugfacility.org
In addition the GDF has recently established a Direct Procurement Mechanism
to enable countries and organizations committed to TB Control to use their
own resources to procure quality TB drugs, through a reliable procurement
agent, at prices that will result in considerable savings, thereby freeing
up resources for the non drug aspects of TB Control. For further information
on Direct Procurement through the GDF kindly visit
our website at:
Gini Arnold
Stop TB Initiative
Room L073
20 Avenue Appia
Geneva 27
CH1211 Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 791 2399
Fax: +41 22 791 4886
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