[e-drug] Global Pharmacy Workforce Review: closing 30 April 2012

E-DRUG: Global Pharmacy Workforce Review: closing 30 April 2012

Workforce Review for Non-Pharmacist Roles: University of Canberra 2012

Dear Colleague,

You are reminded to participate in the 2012 Global Pharmacy Support
Workforce Review for Non-Pharmacist Roles. The survey will close in a few days time on the 30th of April 2012. Thank you to those who have already taken part in the research, and to those who have passed this on to any interested stakeholders.

To gain access to the survey, please click on the link below:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/pharmacysupportworkforcereview
[see also more information at the end of this message]

As you are aware, efficacious and accessible medications are integral to the health care system. To efficiently procure, transport, store and supply medications it is essential that workers are adequately trained.

In low income countries, the shortage of pharmacists has required other health workers to have extended responsibilities.
In developed countries pharmacists working with capable support staff have
more time for clinical activities. This survey will characterise the Pharmacy Support Workforce.

The results of this survey will be made freely available through publication, serving as an adjunct to the International Pharmaceutical Federations 2012 Global Pharmacy Workforce Report.

The survey will take around 20 minutes to complete. We hope to garner responses from academics, pharmacists, nurses, doctors and other health workers, government workers, students or anyone who feels they would like to comment on the pharmacy education situation in their country.

Your answers will be completely de-identified.

All completed surveys will be electronically submitted directly to the research team at the University of Canberra and individuals’ responses will remain totally confidential. The survey design has been approved by the Human Ethics Committee of the University of Canberra.

If you have any questions regarding the survey process or experience any technical difficulties, please contact
Assistant Professor Andrew Brown, andrew.brown@canberra.edu.au,

Ph +61(0)411 137 625 or +61(0)2620 15033.

Thank you kindly for both your time and assistance,
yours sincerely,

Ms. Katie Doherty Research assistant and student,
Department of Pharmacy,
Faculty of Health,
University of Canberra.

Andrew Brown Professor
Gabrielle Cooper
Assistant Professor Associate
Dean Clinical Engagement

Faculty of Health – Discipline of Pharmacy
University of Canberra, Australia
Andrew.Brown@canberra.edu.au Gabrielle.Cooper@canberra.edu.au

Ph +61(0)411 137 625
Ph +61(0)418 656 003

To gain access to the survey, please click on the link below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/pharmacysupportworkforcereview. If you have slow or intermittent internet connection then use this second link below. This second link initially downloads the survey as ONE page, which takes 1-3 mins, with a similar time to upload after you save when completed. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GlobalPharmacySupportWorkforceReviewAccessVersion.