[e-drug] GMP compliance in Bangladesh

E-drug: GMP compliance in Bangladesh

As I continue to receive inquiries on a feature article I recently wrote
on the above subject for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great
Britain "Industrial Pharmacist" newsletter ( Issue 28, March 2003), I
thought it might be useful to offer to anyone interested in this subject
to contact me by e-mail for a scanned copy. The article is based on
my experience with locally procuring drugs for UNICEF in a
developing country setting such as Bangladesh, using GMP
compliance as a guide. I have tried to highlight the reality of the often
turbulent interface between socio-cultural, economic and overall
national and drug regulatory governance factors, and the need to
conform to globally approved/expected standards such as cGMP.

Murtada M Sesay
Technical Officer (Pharmaceuticals)
Supply Division
UNICEF Plads, Freeport
Tel.: +45 35 27 30 98
Fax: +45 35 26 94 21
e-mail: msesay@unicef.org
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