[e-drug] Good news for NGOs on WIPO conference on the patent agenda

E-drug: Good news for NGOs on WIPO conference on the patent agenda

On 25-27 March 2002, WIPO will hold a meeting on the future of the patent
system in Geneva. We just learnt that WIPO will waive the 400 Sfr fee
of two people from each NGO. You can register on-line at
using the 'my fees are waived' box in the payment section of the form.

Note that just after the WIPO meeting, on 28 March MSF, CPT, HAI and
OXFAM hold a conference in Geneva on the "implementation of the Doha
Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health - Technical
Assistance how to get it right".

For details visit: www.access-med.org

Or register (no fee) at: trips_health_conference@paris.msf.org

Ellen 't Hoen

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