E-drug: Crucial Meeting on Implementation Post Doha TRIPS and Health
M�decins sans Fronti�res (MSF), Consumer Project on Technology (CPT),
Oxfam, Health Action International (HAI) Conference on 28 March 2002
Implementation of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS agreement and
Public Health,
Technical assistance: How to get it right.
28th March 2002 , a one-day conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
MSF, CPT, OXFAM and HAI will hold a conference on the implementation
of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health on the 28th March
2002. This meeting will take place in the wake of WIPO's Conference
on the International Patent System (Geneva, 25-27 March), and one
month before WTO's Symposium on the Doha Development Agenda and
The Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health adopted by
one hundred and forty two countries gathered at the 4th WTO
Ministerial Conference in Doha clearly affirmed that governments are
free to take all necessary measures to protect public health, and
gave primacy to public health over private intellectual property.
"The TRIPS agreement does not and should not prevent members from
taking measures to protect public health", the Declaration states,
adding that it should be interpreted and implemented in a manner
"supportive of WTO members' right to protect public health and, in
particular, to promote access to medicines for all".
The Declaration gives an unambiguous road map to all the key
flexibilities the TRIPS offers, including compulsory licensing,
countries' freedom to determine the grounds for compulsory licensing,
and parallel import. In addition, least developed countries can now
postpone the provision of pharmaceutical patents by an extra ten
years, until 2016.
However, the Doha Declaration risks becoming a useless piece of paper
if countries and the international community do not step up efforts
to operationalise it. The technical assistance to be provided by
different players, including WIPO, WTO, UNCTAD and WHO, will be a key
focus of the conference on the 28th March. This meeting will take
stock of progress made so far and discuss recommendations on how to
make the Doha Declaration work for people.
Participants of the 28th March conference will address the following questions:
- Technical Assistance for implementation of the Doha Declaration
What are the WHO, WIPO, European Patent Office (EPO), WTO, UNCTAD and
other international players doing to ensure that the Doha declaration
on TRIPS and Public Health is implemented?
- How can the WTO/WIPO joint initiative to help poorest countries contribute?
Does WIPO�s mandate to �promote intellectual property protection�
stand in the way of providing appropriate technical assistance?
- Implementation legislation
Is there a need for model legislation to help implement the Doha Declaration?
Who should draft it? What should it say?
- Proposals for paragaph 6 of the Doha Declaration
Five months on from Doha, where do we stand with regards to resolving
the question of how to ensure that countries with insufficient
manufacturing capacity can find producers of affordable medicines to
import from?
What steps can countries take now to ensure that production for
export to countries who need access to needed medicines can take
What are the best proposals on paragraph 6 discussed in the TRIPS Council?
- Extension to 2016
How can LDCs best make use of the extension deadline?
Who will propose a specific model provision for national legislation?
- Compulsory licensing
How to design a fast, cheap and fair procedure for issuing a
compulsory licensing?
What are the components of an administrative procedure for issuing a
compulsory license?
How to deal with compensation of the patent holder?
What are the 'government use' models that can be used to increase
access to medical technologies?
- The intellectual property system in developing countries
How to handle the question of revocation of patents or the problem of
invalid patents?
How to avoid the granting of 'bad' patents?
What to do with unchallenged but likely invalid pharmaceutical patents?
How to ensure fast, cheap and fair patent litigation procedures?
What lessons can be learnt from WIPO's systems for alternative
dispute resolution?
The meeting will gather developing and developed country
representatives, representatives from international organisations
(WTO, WIPO, WHO, etc.), national and regional patent offices,
pharmaceutical industries (generic and brand name), academia, and
nongovernmental organisations.
Experts will address the questions listed above in a series of
panels. The participants are expected to actively contribute to the
meeting and there will be ample time for questions and discussions.
If you are interested in making a presentation, please specify this
in your registration e-mail to be sent to:
The agenda of the conference will be posted on www.accessmed-msf.org
and on www.cptech.org
The conference will take place in Centre International de Conf�rence
de Geneve (CICG),
15 rue de Varemb�, 1211 Gen�ve 20, Switzerland.
There is no registration fee. To register for the conference send a
message to: trips_health_conference@paris.msf.org with the following
Postal address:
Ellen T HOEN
EHOEN@paris.msf.org (Ellen T HOEN)
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