E-MED: (2) Mise en oeuvre de la D�claration de Doha
{Mod�rateur : CB- Nous avions pr�c�demment annonc� la conf�rence de
MSF-CPT-OXFAM-HAI du 28 mars Mise en oeuvre de la D�claration de Doha sur
l'Accord ADPIC et la Sant� Publique, Comment obtenir une assistance
technique ad�quate ?
e-drug nous indique que le programme se trouve � cette adresse :
enttype=PARA ]
E-drug: MSF-CPT-OXFAM-HAI -28 March Conference
Dear All,
MSF, CPT, OXFAM and HAI will hold a conference on the "Implementation of the
Doha Declaration on the TRIPS agreement and Public Health - Technical
Assistance - How to get it right" to held on the 28th March 2002 in Geneva.
The provisional agenda of the conference is available at this URL:
Mai DO
Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines
M�decins sans Fronti�res
MDO@paris.msf.org (Mai DO)
[Please take care to copy the complete URL . It is long and has wrapped.BS]