E-DRUG: Help wanted - Russian drug

E-DRUG: Help wanted - Russian drug
Dear colleagues:
We have received a question about a Russian medicine called MUCALTHINI
TABULETTAE 0.05. We were unable to find any information about this drug
in Martindale, IDIS, MEDLINE, USP-DI, and Merck Index. Can somebody help

Thanks for your attention.
Albert Gomis
Centro de informacion del medicamento de Alicante.
(Drug information service of Alicante)
C. jorge juan 8.
03002 - Alicante
fax: (96) 520 36 52
tphn: (96) 520 95 49
e-mail: cima@recol.es

Note from the moderator:

As mentioned in an earlier posting, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
is preparing a directory of drug information centers (DIC) around the
world and a manual on How to set up and run a DIC. One of the advantages
of a worldwide directory of DICs will be to help in getting quick
responses of requests like the one above by submitting enquiry
directly to a DIC located in a country. If you have any ideas please
email to Mustafa Farouq at USP (mf@usp.org) who is working on this
project. Meanwhile, some of you who are associated with DICs may have
received/will receive a questionnaire from Mustafa. Please return the
completed questionnaire as soon as possible. Thanks.

Syed Rizwanuddin Ahmad
Email: srahmad@essential.org

Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.