E-DRUG: Karnataka pharmacy council's Drug Information center
Completion of a Decade of Purposeful Existence!
It is a great privilege to share with you that our Drug Information Center (DIC) is stepping in to 10th year by this August 2006.Inspite of obstacles faced in the past, DIC has substantially grown and contributed to the society at large. DIC would not have reached this stage without your constant and continued support. In September 2001, KSPC started its first hospital based DIC at Victoria Hospital, Bangalore & followed by DIC at Bowring & Lady Curzon Hospital, Bangalore in October 2003. Technical (database) support is provided free of cost to these centers by the council. Apart from this, our council has been involved in Rational Use of Drugs training program for doctors and pharmacists, brought out STG & EDL for the state of Karnataka in collaboration with WHO and providing helping hand since its inception to develop various centers in Tamilnadu, Maharahstra, Delhi and few other states in India.
These achievements speak volumes of DIC's performance at national & international level.
To add to this achievement, a project to set up five more DICs in Northern India funded by WHO has been given to our council in recognition of its expertise, credibility, hard work and experience in this field. This project will be another milestone in the history of Karnataka in the field of drug information and clinical pharmacy practice.I am sure, I will share many more success stories in future. Indeed,this would not have been possible without your cooperation. And do not forget,
"DIC in need; saves life indeed"
Drug Information Centre
Karnataka State Pharmacy Council
514/E, I Main, II Stage, Vijayanagar Club Road
Bangalore - 560 040.
PH: 23383142; 23404000
Fax: 23202345
E-mail: kspcdic@blr.vsnl.net.in
Web: www.kspcdic.com