E-drug: Pharmacists and Medical doctors (cont)
Dear George,
Definitely a good review of the situation we are all in. No doubt we have a
long way to go . We have to sustain the optimistic approach along with our
I am working in the field of rational Use of drugs after having started with
drug information per se. This is the initiation of various activities taken
up by the Karnataka State Pharmacy Council, wherein drug info was
what we started with.
The Pharmacy Council is working with a team of 30+ clinicians from
different specialities of medicines & from all levels of health care
setups, on the Essential Drug List for the province of Karnataka.It
is definitely a good experience to start off with.
In the Indian situation, a pharmacist has to adopt the proactive approach
for the simple reason that we have started late. Only now the concept of
graduate pharmacists entering the hospital set up (instead of the lucrative
industry or academics) is building up. It will take time to prove the worth
& gain confidence to work as a part of the health care system. The simple
reason being that out here, the pharmacist with the diploma background at
the hospitals, has only been involved with dispensing (mechanically)
& maybe procurement, other than the clerical work routinely thrusted
upon. This has happened for 5 decades now. The concept of Clinical
Pharmacy is entering India now & we have a very long way to go. The
only satisfying aspect is that we pharmacists are here at the right
time & on the right track-it is worth the efforts & what ever comes
with it.
Kudos to the efforts & forth coming attitude of fellow pharmacists like you.
With all good wishes,
Ms. Sunitha Srinivas
Deputy Director
Drug Information centre
Karnataka State Pharmacy Council
"kspcdic" <kspcdic@blr.vsnl.net.in>
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