E-drug: Licensing /Registration of Veterinary Products (cont)
Dear Naziruddin
In the Netherlands we have a separate registration board. The
Committee for Registration of Veterinary Drugs (CRD). This board is
in existence since 1986 when the new law on veterinary medicine
became effective. Registration is structured in much
the same manner as for human drugs. A request for registration is
offered to the administrative body of the CRD. They send these
requests for evaluation to various (accredited) institutions. Then an
advice is formulated within first a workgroup and second by the
plenary CRD. This advice is then forwarded to the Ministry of
agriculture and the Health ministry for parafing and signing by the
chief Veterinary Officer.
All veterinary drugs have to be registered by this board and can than
be (in principle) used only for the registered indication and
target-animal. At this time not all drugs are yet fully registered
and there are of course some exceptions to these rules (which are
laid down by law).
There is extensive cooperation within the European Union and you
might find some useful information on the site of European Agency for
the Evaluation of Medecinal Products (EMEA) at www.eudra.org
I hope this has been some helpful information.
With regards,
Peter Mol, apotheker
Apotheek Faculteit Diergeneeskunde
Universiteit Utrecht
Yalelaan 6
3584 CM Utrecht
tel. 030-2532060
fax. 030-2532065
e-mail: pmo@vet.uu.nl
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.