E-DRUG: Medication Guide for Lariam (2)
In Pakistan Mefloquine is marketed by Roche with the trade name of
"Fancimef".The issue of change in labelling was highlighted in last year
November and we wrote to Roche Pakistan, Roche office in New Jersey and
Minitry of Health. And frustatingly nothing has been the outcome. I am
very pleased to know that Roche is going to send "Dear Healthcare
professional" letters to alert prescribers to the new patient labelling
and a "Dear pharmacist" letter to remind pharmacists of their
obligations to provide patient information.I hope the same will also
follow in the developing countries like Pakistan, where usually less has
been cared for the patients.
Azhar Hussain
Project Coordinator - Pharmaceuticals
40-A Ramzan Plaza,
G-9 markaz,
Email: azhar@thenetwork.org.pk
Site: www.thenetwork.org.pk
Tel # 2261085 Ext 243
Fax # 2262495
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