E-drug: Mefloquin for malaria prophylaxis
Dear friends,
in Switzerland we have a discussion about Lariam (Mefloquin) and it�s
side effects. For that reason I want to know in which countries is
Mefloquin recommended as a first choice drug for tourists for
travelling to Africa (P. falciparum) and in which countries are other
drugs (e.g. Malarone) the drug of choice in the national
recommendations ?
Can you inform me about your national recommendations.
Thank you for your help.
Mit freundlichen Gr�ssen
Dr. Markus B. Fritz
Schweizerische Medikamenten - Informationsstelle SMI
Swiss Drug Information Center SDIC
Postfach 442
CH 4007 Basel
Ausk�nfte �ber Medikamente 0900 573554 (1.49/Min)
0041 61 685 99 41
[In Australia there is no National policy on recommendations for
malaria prophylaxis. There are specialists who advise individuals on
the basis of the locality where they will be visiting or residing,
known resistances and the likely exposure. Many agencies have
developed policies for their staff on the basis of expert advice.
Mefloquine is an option in appropriate circumstances. BS]
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