[e-drug] Mefloquin for malaria prophylaxis (cont)

E-drug: Mefloquin for malaria prophylaxis (cont)

Part of the problem with the US recommendations in the past has been
that proguanil was not registered in the US. This prevented listing of
chloroquine and proguanil, a commonly prescribed regime in Europe.

The failing efficacy of this combination and evidence that there is no
advantage in using these drugs in combination would now tend to bring
the US guidelines into line with those in Europe.

I believe it would be wrong to read the CDC listing of the drugs as an
order of preference.

Dr Stephen Toovey
Medical Director
SAA Netcare Travel Clinics South Africa
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene certified in Clinical
Tropical Medicine and Travellers' Health,
Fellow of the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Australasian College of
Tropical Medicine,
Aviation Medical Examiner
"Steve Toovey" <toovey@travelclinic.co.za>
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