E-DRUG: MSF AccessNews May/June
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The latest edition of AccessNews from MSF's Campaign for Access to
Essential Medicines is now available. Let us know if you'd like a copy sent
to you.
In this May/June edition we lead on the Access fires in Thailand and India
and put them in the context of the larger concerns about a system that is
failing to deliver new and affordable medicines for people in need in the
developing world.
At the WHA, attention is fixed on the progress of the IGWG negotiations
aimed at developing a more equitable global model of R&D. Supporters are
calling for TB to be used as a pilot model to help push the IGWG process
foward. That's why you'll find a two-page spread on TB in this edition,
drawing on the findings of the symposium held by MSF in New York in
And at the G8 summit in Germany, the leaders are expected to issue a final
statement backing intellectual property rights as the best way forward for
promoting innovation and growth. We beg to differ and profile three
alternative models of R&D which we believe could offer a better chance of
delivering medicines to those most in need.
Laura McCullagh
Communications Officer
Medecins Sans Frontieres
Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines
Tel:+41 22 849 89 00
E-mail: Laura.McCullagh@geneva.msf.org