[e-drug] NetRUM: Announcement of E-discussions

E-DRUG: NetRUM: Announcement of E-discussions

Join in Network for Rational Use of Medicines (NetRUM) E-discussions at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/netrum

01-05 Jan 2009: "Publication ethics". Moderator: Dr Smita Sontakke

08-13 Jan: "Safety and efficacy of Ayurvedic formulations". Moderator: Dr Anand Chaudhary

16-21 Jan: "Advocacy in medicines". Moderator: Dr Mangesh Bankar

24-29 Jan: "International ethical guidelines for medical research". Moderator: Dr Vijaya Chaudhari

01-06 Feb: "Pros & cons of generic policies". Moderator: Mrs Kunda Gharpure

09-13 Feb: "Impact of health insurance on medicine pricing". Moderator: Dr Kiran Chaudhari

16-21 Feb: To be finalised

24-28 Feb: "Indian Medlars". Moderator: Dr Kiran Chaudhari

01-03 Mar: Reserved for networking exercise for participants of Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs in Commiunity Course, Jaipur, India

Dr Vijay Thawani
Group Owner, NetRUM