[e-drug] New directors for WHO/EDM

E-DRUG: New directors for WHO/EDM

dear E-druggers

E-drug has learned that WHO Director-General LEE Jong-wook has announced that the EDM department will be divided into two departments, one responsible for policy, norms and standard setting and the other for technical cooperation and traditional medicine.

Dr Hans Hogerzeil has been appointed as Director, Department of Medicines Policy and Standards. Dr Hogerzeil (Netherlands) is currently Coordinator for Policy, Access and Rational Use; he had been Director EDM ad interim since February.

Mrs Malebona (Precious) Matsoso is appointed as Director, Department of Technical Cooperation for Essential Drugs and Traditional Medicine, effective from February 2005. Mrs Matsoso (South Africa) is currently Chief Director in the Department of Health of South Africa, and and Registrar of the Medicines Control Council (Drug Regulatory Authority). Dr German Velasquez (Colombia) is appointed as Associate Director in this department, effective immediately. He is currently Coordinator of the Drug Action Programme.

E-druggers will be surprised about the split of EDM. Please remember that EDM resulted from the merger of DAP (essential drugs Action Programme) and PHA (Pharmaceuticals unit; norms and standards). What this will mean for the WHO drug programmes (funding?) is yet to be seen.

E-drug welcomes Precious Matsoso to this important post, and congratulates Hans Hogerzeil with his confirmation as Director, and German Velasquez as associate Director.

Wilbert Bannenberg

Wilbert Bannenberg, E-drug moderator
Email: wjb@planet.nl

The 1995-2004 E-drug archives are at http://www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug/

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