[e-drug] Open Letter from MSF to ASEAN re TPPA

E-DRUG: Open Letter from MSF to ASEAN re TPPA

Dear all,

I would like to share an open letter that Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has sent today to all ASEAN Member States as it is MSF's analysis that the TPP will be a threat to access to affordable medicines and public health to all ASEAN countries, beyond the current TPP countries. The letter is signed by MSF International President Joanne Liu and MSF Access Campaign Executive Director Manica Balasegaram.

MSF urges all ASEAN member states to lead an effort to reject the ratification and implementation of the TPP and the expansion of its negative consequences for public health in the whole region, especially as governments are preparing to implement the new Sustainable Development Goals and commitments to Universal Health Coverage.

The letter is available for download here (text pasted below): https://www.msfaccess.org/content/msf-open-letter-asean-governments-don’t-trade-away-health

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