E-DRUG: Polypharmacy in India (cont)

E-drug: Polypharmacy in India (cont)

This is with reference to the e mail of RAJ VAIDYA and response to the
same. The polypharmacy in India can not be just criticized.There are many
reasons for the same. Some of these are: No updating of pharmacology
knowledge for the the medical graduates, multiple disciplines of
medicines,No restriction on pharmaceutical industry regarding promotion of
allopathic drugs to non allopathic or indegenous medicine
practitioners,poor availability of allopathic medical practitioners in most
of the rural
area, absence of updated version of Indian Drug Formulary, very aggressive
promotional marketing of drugs without any control .

These reasons contribute significantly to polypharmacy. Doctors as well as
the healthcare consumers need access to the impartial, independent drug
information. Our consumer organisation ACASH has a project pending for
people`s drug information service which is envisaged to give prompt
information about the drugs to doctors as well as the patients.

Medical Council of India which is a statutory disciplinary body comparable
to General Medical Council is practically defunct and cannot promote better

Dr.Bal, President,
Assn for Consumers Action of Safety and Health
Bombay, India
"ARUN BAL" <balarun@hotmail.com>

[To comply with e-drug policies, the last paragraph was edited a little.
BS, co-moderator]

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