E-DRUG: Prescrire International n°146 - February 2014
PRESCRIRE INTERNATIONAL - Independent information by and for healthcare professionals
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In the January issue of Prescrire International:
Apixaban (Eliquis°) and atrial fibrillation: no clear advantage.
For the prevention of thromboembolism in patients with atrial fibrillation, there is no evidence that apixaban (Eliquis°) is more effective than well-managed warfarin therapy in patients with a high risk of thrombosis. And there is no antidote in case of overdose.
French data on the adverse effects of etoricoxib, and cardiac disorders with pregabalin.
This sample page from the Adverse Effects section reflects key data gained from reports generated by France's regional pharmacovigilance centres.
- Etoricoxib: a French review of adverse effects
Peripheral oedema, and serious gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and cutaneous disorders.
- Pregabalin: cardiac adverse effects
Rhythm and conduction disorders, heart failure, even at low doses.
©Prescrire 1 February 2014
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