[e-drug] Privatization of drug supply organizations

E-DRUG: Privatization of drug supply organizations

   Dear e-drug readers,

   I am writing a paper on the privatization of the public medicine
   supply organizations. I would like to know experiences of other
   developing countries in managing their public medical supplies
   organizations. Those who live in countries that have already
   privatized their previously publicly owned organizations are kindly
   requested to report the impact of the privatization on the availablity
   of essential medicines in public health facilities.

   Best wishes
   Yours sincerely
   Gamal Khalafalla Mohamed Ali
   Tel.+4479 40 25 69 42
   College of Business,Law and Social Sciences
   The Nottingham Trent University
   Burton Street
   Nottingham NG1 4BU
   United Kingdom
"Gamal Khalafalla Mohammed" <gamalkh@hotmail.com>

E-DRUG: Privatization of drug supply organizations (3)

Dear Mr. Jamal;
  Good luck with your paper. So far I don't think any of the developing countries was able to privatize their drug supply. However, you should log on to the WHO site at www.who.net. Or the www.msh.org. you should be able to get some answers from them.
  Mona Awadh
  MSc. Medicines Control & Pharmaceutical Services
  University of Bradford
mona hussein <pharmacia66@yahoo.com>

E-DRUG: Privatization of drug supply organizations (4)

Actually, Tanzania has privatized its drug supply.
The privatized organization is operated by a Mr. Ramadan Madibida.
Perhaps a Google search on Tanzania and procurement will reveal this.

Ron Marrocco, LLC
Medical Technology & Global Health Consulting
Phone: 617-680-8411
email: Rmarrocco@comcast.net
website: www.ronmarrocco.com
[There is some information about Tanzania in a presentation made at the SEAM conference. Look at Track 6 in Targeting Improved Access at Accra in June 2005
at this site
Other e-druggers might have more information. BS]

E-DRUG: Privatization of drug supply organizations (7)


I would like to clarify that the person mentioned in the earlier message, concerning Tanzania, is running a privately owned manufacturing plant and not a drug supply organisation.

Winna Shango
Ministry of Health
WINNA SHANGO <wshango@yahoo.com>

E-DRUG: Privatization of drug supply organizations (10)

Dear Gamal,

The national policy in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) aims to promote the creation of 30 to 40 regional central medical stores throughout the country. They will all be privately owned by not-for-profit organisations. They will enter in an agreement/contract with the national governement to supply drugs, medical and laboratory supplies for a defined period of time (5 years).

At present five of these central medical stores have been created and are

Kind regards,

Ed Vreeke
Director Asrames asbl
Goma, DRC
"Ed Vreeke" <edvreeke@gmail.com>