[e-drug] Public Health Pharmacy (cont)

E-drug: Public Health Pharmacy (cont)
Dear E-druggers,

At the Fiji School of Medicine our Pharmacy Practice course was revised in
year 2000 to move it towards a "public health pharmacy focus".

New components incorporated include: National Drug Policy; Rational Drug
Use; Introductory Health Law and Ethics; Introductory Health Economics;
Introductory Financial Management; Immunisation; Travellers' Health;
Complementary Medicines.

These components are in addition to existing patient counselling; retail
pharmacy practice; veterinary pharmacy; supplies management (including
acquisition, storage & distribution of drugs).

Murray Bailey

Coordinator in Pharmacy
Fiji School of Medicine
Private Mail Bag,
GPO, Suva,
Murray Bailey <murray_b@fsm.ac.fj>
tel: (679) 311 700 ex 1719 fax: (679) 303 469

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