[e-drug] Quality use of Medicines in Australia

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E-drug: Quality use of Medicines in Australia

Dear All,

Australia has just revised its policy documents for Quality Use of Medicines
(Rational Drug Use). The new document is called:
The National Strategy for Quality Use of Medicines.
There are three versions of the document: a brochure; an executive summary
the full document. We have also produced:
Quality Use of Medicines: Statement of Priorities and Strategic Action Plan
2001 - 2003.

Copies of all these documents are available on the web at:

Another document that may be of interest to some of you is:
Quality Use of Medicines - A Decade of Research, Development & Service
It can be downloaded from the web at:

We continue to maintain the Quality Use of Medicines Map, which is a
of Australian Quality Use of Medicines initiatives. The database now
over 980 quality use of medicines projects which have been undertaken in
Australia in the last 10 years. It has quick and detailed search capacity.
Visit: www.qummap.health.gov.au

There is also now a website for the National Medicines Policy

Best wishes

Libby Roughead

School of Pharmaceutical, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences
University of South Australia
North Terrace
Adelaide 5000
South Australia

Ph +61 8 8302 2179
Fax + 61 8 8302 2389
E-mail: libby.roughead@unisa.edu.au

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