E-drug: Rational Use of Medicines Education Module
Dear Colleagues
The National Prescribing Service in Australia is developing an educational
module for the rational use of medicines. We are seeking your assistance in
identifying similar education/training programs that exist, which we may
learn from. If you are involved in any education programs which focus on
rational use of medicines, we would be grateful if you could take the time
to read on and complete the questionnaire below. We appreciate that you may
be busy, so if you do not have the time to complete the questionnaire in its
entirety, please send us a pr�cis, a web address or the contact details of
another person we may contact.
Please forward your responses directly to
Nicole at ncockayne@nps.org.au rather than to E-Drug. Thank you.
The National Prescribing Service (NPS) in Australia is a non-profit
organisation independent of government and the pharmaceutical industry, with
the goal of improving the health of Australians through appropriate and
cost-effective prescribing of medicines and the quality use of medicines.
We provide access to independent, balanced, critically appraised information
on medicines to GPs, other medical specialists, medical students, interns,
residents, hospital doctors, nurses, pharmacists, other health professionals
and consumers. The NPS also supports and fosters training in the area of
The NPS is currently developing an educational module that focuses on the
rational use of medicines. The module is intended for people who work in
agencies which implement rational use of medicines principles. In Australia,
this encompasses a wide range of people who have a broad range of
professional qualifications and experience. It includes trained health
professionals, educators, facilitators and consumer advocates. The proposed
training module is intended to complement this broad range of skills and
experience, by providing the resources and appropriate knowledge and skills
to operate more effectively in the context of rational use of drugs.
In developing this module, we are undertaking an extensive search of current
training programs in other countries, which focus on rational drug use. We
wish to identify different frameworks of content, resources and delivery
formats, which we can learn from to assist in the development of the
training module.
Specifically, we are interested in programs which:
* Demonstrate confidence in understanding rational drug use
concepts and principles
* Apply rational drug use principles in a practical way within
the participants usual work environment
* Integrate rational drug use concepts and principles into
participant's programs and in any future programs
* Enable participants to gain skills in evaluating the success
and value of rational drug use strategies within their workplace environment
We are seeking your collaboration with this project. If you are aware of,
are currently involved in or have been involved in any training or education
programs which focus on rational drug use or prescribing issues, we would be
very grateful if you could complete the questionnaire below. It has been
designed such that it should take only 15 minutes to complete.
This is an exciting development in the progress of quality use of medicines
and rational drug use and we thank you for your assistance. We will be
pleased provide E-Drug with a summary of the responses received.
General Information
1. Which country are you from?
2. What is the name of the organisation you work for?
3. What type of organisation is this? For example, is it a Government
body, Non-Government Organisation, University or teaching institution,
Consumer group etc?
4. What is the main objective of your organisation?
5. What is your role within the organisation?
Information Relating to the Rational Use of Medicines Education/Training
6. What is the name of the training program?
7. Briefly describe the purpose of the training program
8. Please provide a brief overview of the content covered in the
training program? If possible, please attach a copy of the program content
to your email reply.
9. Who is the training program directed at? Please comment on the
participant's background and level of experience.
10. Please comment on how the training program is delivered. For
example, is it delivered through workshops, seminars, distance learning,
formal lectures within a university program?
11. Is there a web address which contains information relating to the
training program?
Please feel free to make any other comments.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. It is very
much appreciated.
With kind regards
Nicole Cockayne
Curriculum and Evaluation Officer
National Prescribing Service
Level 1/31 Buckingham Street
Ph: 61 2 9699 4499
Facsimile: 61 2 9699 5155
Email: ncockayne@nps.org.au
Web: www.nps.org.au
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