[e-drug] Organisations promoting rational drug use (corr.)

E-DRUG: Organisations promoting rational drug use (corr.)
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Thanks! WB]

Dear colleagues

I am writing from National Prescribing Service, an Australian organisation
that was set up in 1998 to promote 'quality use of medicines' (rational drug
use). As part of a review of our services I thought it would be interesting
to look globally at similar organisations and I am developing a survey for
this purpose. The survey will collect information on governance, services or
program delivery, staffing and funding structures and hopefully will be
useful to all organisations that promote rational drug use.

If you would be interested in being part of this survey please reply to me
directly and I will send a copy of the survey form. Once the survey is
completed I will post a summary of the results on e-drug for anyone else
with an interest.

Kind regards


Dr Lynn Weekes
Chief Executive Officer
National Prescribing Service Ltd
Level 7, 418A Elizabeth St, Surry Hills 2010
PO Box 1147, Strawberry Hills 2012
Phone: 02 8217 8700
Fax: 02 9211 7578
Web: www.nps.org.au
Email: lweekes@nps.org.au

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