E-DRUG: Re: Curious abortion device from Norway (cont'd)

E-DRUG: Curious abortion device from Norway (cont'd)

Some time ago Raj Vaidya posted a question about an abortion device which
the distributor claimed came from Norway. My private reply to him in which
I promised to come back later with a reply, was unintentionally posted on

We have now looked into the matter in more detail and have the following

Laminaria digitata (seagirdle) is a sea tangle common along the coast of
Norway. The sticks, made of sea girdle, has the ability to swell up to many
times their original size in a humid environment. In the past the stems
were twinned and polished in different thicknesses. The so-called Laminaria
sticks were used to extend narrow body openings and to keep deep wounds
open to facilitate drainage. The product was out of fashion for a long time
regarded as oldfashioned and inappropriate, but seems to have increased in
popularity, now being used in modern obstetric aid and gynaecology to
extend cervix.

The sticks are sterile and were, when we had an approval system for
sterilised items (now replaced by EU regulations), approved by the
Committee for sterile medical supplies. The product has not been CE
labelled, but is exported, mainly to France.

Considering that the product is sterile, contains no chemical substances
and works by swelling only, it should probably be regarded as safe and of
good quality.



Kirsten Myhr, MScPharm, MPH
Bygdoy alle 58B
0265 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 56 05 85

[Thanks Kirsten for the info about this medical device. WB]

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