E-drug: Re: Malaria prophylaxis during pregnancy (12)
Rene Dubbeldam writes:
Yes, I agree that we should invest more in making proper - lab. confimed -
diagnoses, especially at the health centre level in Developing Countries.
Mini-labs" (basic haematology, parasitology of stools and urine) are not
expensive and should be available in EVERY health centre.
Manual counting chambers, stains, microscopes and textbooks. And of
course external quality control...
Why is "presumptive malaria" still such a popular diagnosis in the HMIS??
That's obvious, because of these guidelines equalling fever with Malaria,
making it so easy...
By the way, I am standing in for a colleague tonight and was called to see a
20 year old Australian tour guide (one of these Off Road Roughing It Truck
Tours) with obvious simple Malaria and a count of 0.3%.
So because of this discussion I make a point of asking her for her last
menstruation and lo and behold she's two weeks late :-)-O.
PregTest is positive.
greetings, el
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