E-DRUG: Re: Patents

E-drug: Re: Patents

Salut Miloud,

I just had a similar curiosity, posted a mail to the European Patent
Office and got the reply that presently, there was no searchable
patent info available on their server. However, in 1998 they would
start a new service: ESPACENET -- bibliographic data and patent
documents on-line.

More info under


Sparse info but I hope it helps anyway.

Best regards,

York Francis Zoellner, lic. pharm.
Centre for Health Economics (CHE)
University of York
Heslington, Y o r k YO1 5DD
Fax: **44 - 1904 - 43. 36 44
Tel. (CHE) **44 - 1904 - 43. 45 73
Tel. (priv.) - 1904 - 71. 83 81
e-mail: yfz100@york.ac.uk
Web: http://www.york.ac.uk/~yfz100

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