[e-drug] Re: Phenylbutazone availability (contd)

E-drug: Re: Phenylbutazone availability (contd)

Phenylbutazone is available in South Africa on doctor's prescription, under
the trade name, Inflazone. The licensed indication is "Acute exacerbations
of ankylosing spondylitis" and the package insert contains a boxed
warning stating:
"Because of potentially serious and occasionally fatal adverse effects,
use should be restricted to a maximum of 7 days and the maximum
recommended dosage should not be exceeded.
Caution against repeated short-term use is advised, due to the possible
danger of sensitisation.
Haematological disorders are potentially fatal."

Colleen Gibbon
Department of Pharmacology
University of Cape Town Medical School
Email: cgibbon@uctgsh1.uct.ac.za

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