[e-drug] Re: Phenylbutazone availability (contd)

E-drug: Re: Phenylbutazone availability (contd)

Phenylbutazone is available in Russia on doctor's prescription and without
it (!), under the trade names AMBENE (MERCKLE - Germany), BUTADION and
Under the name BUTADION phenylbutazone produced by the lot of different
domestic manufacturers (near 7). In 1999 was sold 2226832 units of BUTADION
and 637953 units of RHEOPYRIN (after IMS Pharma). In ranking BUTADION is
number 189 among the trade names of all the sold drugs in Russia (1999).

The licensed indications are different conditions related to inflammation,
rheumatism, trauma, trombophlebitis, and many others.

Prof. Vladimir S. Shoukhov, M.D., D.Sci (Med)
Tel./Fax: +7 (095) 9304105
E-mail: shoukhov@cityline.ru

[Note from the moderator: There is still an enormous job to do on rational
use of drugs in Eastern Europe. Where they also use extensively dipyrone
(metamizole), and barbiturates, two other drugs banned in many countries.
Notice that it is marketed by a German company, the other companies seem to
be from Eastern Europe. KM]

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