E-DRUG: Re: Teaching media and drug literacy (3)

E-drug: Re: Teaching media and drug literacy (3)

There is a Canadian magazine called "Adbusters" and in the current issue
there is a deconstruction of an ad that is currently running in Canadian
mass media magazines about cholesterol lowering. The article points out
how the ad misuses statistics to present an overly positive view about this
group of drugs. If you want more information about Adbusters you can have
a look at the web site: <www.adbusters.org/main2.html> but unfortunately
the text of the article is not posted.

There is also another article by van Trigt from Social Science and Medicine
that you should have a look at: Journalists and their source of ideas and
information on medicines 1994;38(4):637-43.

Joel Lexchin

Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (416)-964-7186
Fax: (416)-923-9515
e mail: joel.lexchin@utoronto.ca

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