E-drug: Consumers' Guide to Safe, Cost-effective Medicine (cont'd)
Most of major titles have already been mentioned. I would only add
that besides the Worst Pills/Best Pills books, there is also Worst
Pills/Best Pills News. A newsletter is sometimes more affordable and
certainly easier format to keep current.
My list is this genre includes The Honest Herbal by Varro E. Tyler,
RPh, PhD in Pharmacognosy, published by Pharmaceutical Products
Press, an imprint of Haworth Press. It covers a popular area of OTC
drugs often overlooked by other media.
Also, today on National Public Radio there was a segment on media
literacy for children. Apparently, media literacy is a requirement in
Australian, Canadian, and English schools. Only 5% of U.S. schools
bother to teach any aspect of this. An international conference on
media literacy with the theme A Paradigm for Public Health is being
held in Colorado Springs, CO USA June 28-July 1, 1998. One of the
sponsors is the American Academy of Pediatrics.
According to the media literacy web site consumerism and the influence
of media are on the agenda, though appears to emphasize illegal drugs
of abuse. With direct to consumer ads for prescription drugs more
prevalent, this sounds like forum for e-druggers to influence, at the
very least a place to sell some of the consumer guides that e-druggers
consider worthwhile. Looks like their conference in year 2000 is in
Toronto. I believe the media literacy web site was
http://www.interactuoregon.edu/medialit or for the conference,
FAX 303-756-8380, address 2121 S. Oneida, Denver, CO (sorry forgot to
record the zip code).
Rose-Ellen Hope, R.Ph.
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.