E-DRUG: Consumers' Guide to Safe, Cost-effective Medicines (cont'd)

E-drug: Consumers' Guide to Safe, Cost-effective Medicines (cont'd)

Consumer Reports in the U.S. produces a book called "Complete Drug
Reference". It is quite good although it covers more than just OTC
products. The cost is US$39.95 and you can order it from:

Consumer Reports Books
P.I. Box 10637
Des Moines, IA 50336-0637
(The ad I'm reading says to mention key 114454 when ordering.)

Also the U.S. based Public Citizen's Health Research Group has put out
a series of books under the overall title of "Best Pills, Worst Pills".
I don't have ordering information but you can check out their web
site: www.citizen.org/hrg/

Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (416)-964-7186
Fax: (416)-923-9515
e mail: joel.lexchin@utoronto.ca
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.