E-drug: Re: Thalidomide supplier
I had a question from a pharmacy here metioning a specific drug
name (the drug is not registered in Norway) and I really struggled to
find suppliers. The only one I found was Celgene which is
registered in USA Thalomid (while in clinical trials called Synovir). It
seems to be another one available called Sauramide but I have not
found the supplier. Thalomid seems to be manufactured by Penn
Pharmaceuticals in the UK on licence from Celgene. There are
several clinical trials going on in Europe by Penn Pharmaceuticals
Services or Pharmion Corporation. (see
On Sauramide, I could only identify products for veterinary use.
I searched on Google (www.google.com) - and Micromedex, the
only product there is Thalomid.
Penn Pharmaceuticals can be found on www.pennpharm.co.uk.
They did not respond to an e-mail from me.
Kirsten Myhr, MScPharm, MPH
Head of Eastern Region Drug Information Centre
Ulleval University Hospital
N-0407 OSLO
Tel: +47 23 01 64 11 Fax: +47 23 01 64 10
kirsten.myhr@relis.ulleval.no (w)
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