E-drug: Thalidomide's Nationwide Usage (cont)
[There have been several responses to the request for information
about the use of thalidomide. Responses to date are collated here.
Beverley Snell, moderator.]
Thalidomide is not registered for use in Iceland but has been used very
occasionally on dispensation in special cases.
kind regards
Eggert Sigf�sson, deildarstj�ri / Head of Division
Ministry of Health and Social
Office of Pharmaceutical Affairs
Laugavegi 116
150 Reykjav�k
S�mi / tel.: +(354) 545 8700
Fax +(354) 551 9165
www.raduneyti.is / www.government.is
E-mail: eggert.sigfusson@htr.stjr.is
[I hope you can get the gist from the Spanish. I will get a
translation and have it ready for anyone who makes a request. BS]
En Argentina la comercializaci�n de Talidomida est� regida por la
disposici�n 2074/1997. En ella dice que: Actualmente la talidomida
puede ser indicada para el tratamiento de cierto tipo de enfermedades
como ser aftas oro-genitales, lupus eritematoso discoide, s�ndrome de
Behcet, prurigo act�nico, enfermedad injerto vs hu�sped que no hayan
respondido a los tratamientos habituales espec�ficos
Daniel Domosbian
"Cimf" <cimf@colfarma.org.ar>
Thalidomide is approved in the US for treatment of leprosy. From the label:
Thalidomide is indicated for the acute treatment of the cutaneous
manifestations of moderate to severe erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL).
Thalidomide is not indicated as monotherapy for such ENL treatment in the
presence of moderate to severe neuritis.
Thalidomide is also indicated as maintenance therapy for prevention and
suppression of the cutaneous manifestations of ENL recurrence.
Thalidomide must only be administered in compliance with all the terms
outlined in the S.T.E.P.S. (tm) program. Thalidomide may only be
prescribed by prescribers registered with the S.T.E.P.S. (tm) program
and may only be dispensed by pharmacists registered with the THE
S.T.E.P.S. (tm) program.
Drug prescribing to women of childbearing potential should be contingent
upon initial and continued confirmed negative results of pregnancy testing.
Hank Malinowski Ph.D.
"Malinowski, Henry J" <MALINOWSKI@cder.fda.gov>
Thalidomide is not registered in Canada but it could be accessed on a
patient-by-patient basis through the emergency drug release program.
Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto Ontario
Canada M5R2 2X8
Tel: 416-964-7186
Fax: 416-923-9515
e mail: joel.lexchin@utoronto.ca
In Canada thalidomide is used as an adjunct treatment for some types
of cancer due to its effect on angiogenesis. It is available only
through a special access program of the Canadian Health Protection
Randy Trinkle, BScPharm BA
Geriatric and ambulatory care
Civic Health Centre
Vancouver, BC
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