[e-drug] Thalidomide's Nationwide Usage (cont)

E-drug: Thalidomide's Nationwide Usage (cont)

Thalidomide is registered in Brazil.

We have a MOH decree that includes all controlled medicines (psychotropics,
narcotics, ARV, anabolics, anorectics agents, thalidomide and some others).
On each group there are specific exigencies.

When a physician prescribes thalidomide, the patient receives a
"responsibility term" (in which the prescriber reaffirm his responsibility
in prescribe the medicine to a specific patient) and an "explanation term"
(in which the patient is informed about the risks) . The dispenser can give
at maximum 30 treatment days each time. The medicine only is distributed
(free of charge) in the public health facilities.
The dispenser and the producer must present to the local vigilance agency,
each three months, a stock balance.
All these informations are better detailed in the web site of our
regulation agency (ANVISA):
Vera Lucia Luiza
Brazilian Nucleus on Pharmaceutical Policies
National School Of Public Health
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