E-DRUG: Request help on informations on alcohol

Re. Regulation/Legislation on Alcolhol:

Norway has for nearly 20 years had a law against all advertising on
alcoholic beverages stronger than 1,5% w/w. Import and distribution of wine
and brandy etc. has been organised through a governmental monopoly, with a
high tax on the alcohol content. Beer may be sold from certain private shops
to persons over 16 years of age. The "Vinmonopolet" are only allowed to sell
to people over 18 years of age, and you only find these shops located in
some of the cities.

Last year a few other units to organise imports, but distributing (selling)
the goods is still only legal through "Vinmonopolet". In a European context
- Norway is placed at the bottom level concerning alcohol consumption per


Guttorm Folkedal
Director of Hospital Pharmacy

Phil Temples
SatelLife: Global Communications for Health phil@usa.healthnet.org
1360 Soldiers Field Road, Boston MA 02135 Tel: +1 617.789.5455
http://www.healthnet.org or: info@usa.healthnet.org Fax: +1 617.789.4771

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