E-drug: Restricting the role of the PBS Adv committee.
The following letter to Senator Tambling in Australia was copied to
e-drug. Thank you for your support Lakhvinder Singh. BS]
Dear Sir,
I am writing this e-mail in response to the discussions at our email
discussion groups. We are of the opinion that any sort of restriction
on the Advisory committee, would be a big blow to field of
medicine. The PBS list is a peer to the regions wanting to implement
such a rational drug list. The WHO findings that the Australian
health system is the second best in the world cannot be refuted.
I myself have closely studied the PBS ( we had a joint collaboration with
Repat, Daw park, Adeliade) and found it to be of a very sound and
scientific foundation. Why do the Pharma Companies want to rob the
medical fraternity of such a great accomplishment.
This is a representation from the people who consider a good thing at
threat. I am sure you would see the light that ensures brightness to
people not only from Australia, but from different parts of the world.
Lakhvinder Singh Batolar,
(Pharmacy Discussion Group; INDIA)
Clinical Pharmacist,
D-102, Prince apartments,
54, i.P.extension,
Patparganj, Delhi - 110092.
Lakhvinder Singh Batolar <lakhvinder@email.com>
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