E-drug: Role and function of E-drug (cont'd)
Having been involved with E-drug since the beginning I have to
echo the views of nearly all of the people who have written on this
topic. In my view, E-drug is not just a technical discussion forum, it
is a forum where people can express their opinions about issues
related to the wide range of drug issues. The ability to analyze
information and express views is to a large measure dependent on
access to information in as wide a scope as possible, not just from
journal articles. Some information comes only from newspaper
pieces, for example the excellent Washington Post series of about 1
1/2 years ago on drug testing in Nigeria. Cutting off these sources
of information would be a disservice to people. Even here in Canada
with easy access to international media it is almost impossible to
keep up with events without relying on material forwarded through
I would also like to second Ellen 't Hoen's sentiments and express
my gratitude to the E-drug monitors for the work that they have
been doing.
Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5R 2X8
Tel: +1-416-964.7186
Fax: +1-416-923.9515
e mail: joel.lexchin@utoronto.ca
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Information and archive http://satellife.healthnet.org/programs/edrug.html
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.