[e-drug] Role and function of E-drug (cont'd)

E-drug: Role and function of E-drug (cont'd)

Dear friends,

I like e-drug as it is. Most of the clippings are quite informative and
useful and help us keep the broad view of the matter in our daily

I also share some of the concerns of Foppe van Mil and take his
posting as a word of caution that e-drug should not lose its
technical scope. The "political" newspaper articles, if not well
moderated, may end up dominating in the discussions or even
discourage some people from contributing with simple technical
postings (which I believe are most important). Our moderators are
doing a terrific job in this sense. If we keep this mix, it will be great.

Abdullahi Elmi
Somali Group for Rational Use of Drugs (SGRUD)
Mogadishu (Somali) - Toronto (Canada)
e-mail: somali_drug@ yahoo.com

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Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.