E-DRUG: Seminar on WTO, Pharmaceutical Policies and Essential Drugs

Dear friends,

Health Action International (HAI-Europe) in cooperation with BUKO-Pharma
Kampagne Germany is organising a seminar on the World Trade Organisation (WTO),
Pharmaceutical Policies and Essential Drugs. The seminar will take place on 4
October 1996 in Bielefeld, Germany, which is a 2/3 hour train ride away from the
Dusseldorf and Hannover Airport.

The one-day meeting will focus on four principal themes:
- trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs) and; -their
effects on pharmaceutical patents; - the GATT's effect on prices and the
availability of (essential) drugs; - the influence of the WTO/GATT on national
drug policies.

The speakers will include experts on the GATT and pharmaceuticals from the WHO,
WTO, consumer organisations and NGOs from developing countries. Confirmed
speakers are Dr Phillip Evans, author of Unpacking the GATT: A Step by Step
Guide to the Uruguay Round, Dr K. Balasubramaniam, HAI Asia Regional
Coordinator in Penang, Malaysia. There will be ample time provided for
discussion. A briefing paper on the GATT/WTO's implications for pharmaceutical
policies and essential
drugs will be available at the meeting.

The purpose of the seminar is to address the WTO/GATT's effect on pharmaceutical
policies and how it affects the provision of essential drugs.

We would appreciate it if you could publicise this event widely among your
contacts. Please send us a message if you are interested in participating so we
can send you a programme and a registration form.

